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12 March 2013 | | |


Mourning of Chavez’s Death and Support to the Venezuelan Government

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A declaration issued on Sunday and addressed to late President Hugo Chavez reads: “From all the corners of our continent, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA) hereby express our solidarity with the government, the military-political leadership and the revolutionary people of Venezuela”. The declaration states that Chavez is in the heart of the Americas.

The declaration was signed by the Continental Coordination of Social Movements of ALBA, the Latin American Coordination of Countryside Organizations (CLOC-Via Campesina) and Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC). It reads “we have our fists up in sign of commitment, our bodies have been in many struggles and our hearts are beating fast for the desire to change the world”.

The expressions of sorrow and solidarity with Venezuela continue to arrive over Chavez’s death on March 5th.

“From all the Americas we would like to extend our support and solidarity at this painful time. Our soul and our ALBA have lost a major star, a great brother, our comrade”.

“With that feeling, comrades, we affirm that there is no going back. We would like to say that today’s sorrow and the presence of ‘Comandante’ Chavez will become committed actions, will become a footprint in our path and gestures of popular unity, of Latin American unity. They will become international activism to face imperialism wherever it is. They will become the heroic creation of the people, they will become socialism”, reads the document.

In fact, the Continental Coordination of the Social Movements of ALBA, CLOC-Via Campesina and ATALC decided to organize days of solidarity on the week of April 8-12 from Canada to the Patagonia (Argentina) to support the Bolivarian process and acting president Nicolas Maduro. The social organizations say Maduro is the person “politically in charge of the Bolivarian Revolution”. They also declared an alert to the imperialistic attempts to interfere with the Venezuelan peoples’ sovereign decision of deciding their own fate. For this reason from April 8-12 the social groups will call demonstrations outside the US embassies in their countries to “repudiate and expose the destabilizing attempts”.

Meanwhile, on March 7, La Via Campesina South America, the World March of Women (WMW), ATALC, Jubilee South Americas and the Convergence of Social Movements of the Peoples of America (COMPA) expressed in a joint declaration that “we are all freer, more dignified, more generous, we feel stronger to follow Chavez’s path”. Some of the signing organizations are the same as in the previous document. This text was circulated two days after the death of the Venezuelan president.

“At this time of sadness for the rural and urban workers of Latin America and the world, we feel the need to express our solidarity with the Venezuelan people”, reads the declaration.

“We say good bye to our comrade today. He was able to call the main enemy by its name and confront it: US imperialism that exploits peoples and nature. Today we say good bye to the person who rejected the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in Mar del Plata, Argentina in 2005”.

“We say good bye to the one who built historic alternatives and contributed to the integration of the peoples of the Americas and whose deep and firm footprint can be seen in the thousands of expressions of solidarity and sorrow after the news of his death”.

La Via Campesina South America, the WMW, ATALC, Jubilee South Americas and COMPA highlighted that the people of Chavez “the poor, the forgotten, the women, men, young people, elderly” say good bye to him in the streets of Venezuela to ratify the path and legacy of the late President “for a Bolivarian Revolution and social justice for the peoples of the Americas will not stop with his death”.

“We still have a long way to go, many things to learn from his reflections that came from an emancipatory view, rooted in a strong Latin American history and a brave and unifying practice. We take his message of unity, of international solidarity and alert”.

The signatories of the declaration stressed the need for “unity” to multiply our strength and secure a single framework for the struggles to change the exploitation structures; for “international solidarity” to confirm that they are not alone in this path, but we are a majority; and for “alert” to the potential violence of the system towards the people who resist and demand deep changes.

Photo: www.venezueladeverdad.gob.ve

(CC) 2013 Real World Radio


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