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7 de febrero de 2013 | |

Dignity, More Than Ever

Venezuela celebrated 21st anniversary of Bolivarian revolution

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On February 4, 1992, around 2,300 young military officers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, rebelled against a package of neoliberal economic measures implemented by then president Carlos Andres Perez, with the support of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The uprising achieved a political victory that was realized later with the electoral victory in 1998 and the subsequent victories ever since, where the Venezuelan process encourages resistance to capital in Latin America and the Caribbean.
On Monday February 4th, Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro, read a letter sent by Chavez from Havana.

“If our movement wins, we will hand over the power to the people for its full exercise”, said the young commander on February 4, 1992, and again in his letter Monday, pointing out the advances achieved. But he also warned about the risk of reaching a standstill. “February 4 is not over yet, it has generated strengths that are still expanding”, he added. “The spirit of rebellion should live in each of us. The “for now” of 21 years ago is a “forever” of the Bolivarian people”.

“I am one of you in this national dignity day. I’m with you, strengthened by the peoples’ love, a love that heals me and that gives me life”, he said according to ALBA TV, which reported on the celebrations.

Hugo Chavez’ health condition is followed closely by social and popular organizations of Latin America since his trip to Cuba for surgery and recovery.
In the past weeks, Chavez has sent letters on February 4th’s celebrations and on the Summit of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Santiago de Chile.

On February 4, thousands of people marched from five different points of the capital city to Palacio de Miraflores, the presidential building. There, the voices of the people from different sectors, sucha as INVEPAL workers, CIARA, the Ministry of Agriculture and Misión Ribas, were heard, among other people who were interviewed by ALBA TV.
There were also activities in other Latin American and Caribbean cities, such as Havana, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires, on Wednesday, the Social Movements Articulation Towards ALBA and the National Peasant and Indigenous Movement organized a meeting with the participation of Manuel Bertoldi, Modesto Emilio Guerrero and Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez.

Source: ALBA TV

(CC) 2013 Radio Mundo Real


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