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28 March 2012 | |

Against Looting and Poison

Interview with Alejandro Yanniello: resistance to mining in Bariloche (Argentina)

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The rhetoric by the Argentinan authorities in terms of the sovereignty over the Malvinas islands, occupied by the UK as a geopolitical space where oil could be potentially extracted, should be consistent with the defense of the sovereignty within the territory, demand the inhabitants of Bariloche city, who are threatened by mining projects.

This is what journalist Alejandro Yanniello of Bariloche, Rio Negro Province, said while participating in the 3rd Conference of the Movements for Food Sovereignty which took place in the capital city of the country.
Yanniello explained that by the end of last year, the Provincial governor repealed a regulation that banned the use of heavy metals in mining extraction projects, which resulted in the immediate rejection by the urban and rural population of the area.

Since then, on a weekly basis, several thousands of people meet in Bariloche and other cities to say no to mining extraction. “Our demands are clear: we are against looting and pollution”, said Alejandro Yanniello.

The idea of a desert Patagonia does not correspond to reality, said Alejandro. There are many communities living there with their cattle, crops and artisanal fisheries.

(CC) 2012 Real World Radio


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