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19 August 2009 | |

Active Opposition

Peasant leader, Rafael Alegria, on the resistance to the coup d´etat in Honduras

1:58 minutes
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This Wednesday is the 53rd day of mobilizations in Honduras, through which the popular organizations are claiming the end of the dictatorial government led by Roberto Micheletti since June 28th, when a military coup ended with constitutional government of President Manuel Zelaya.

The mobilizations coincide with the visit a delegation of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights is carrying out in the country, an independent organization part of the Organization of American States (OAS), which is present in Honduras to investigate violations to the fundamental rights, both individual and collective, perpetrated under the coup regime.

In an interview with Real World Radio, peasant leader Rafael Alegria –a referent of the popular movement which is demanding the reinstitution of democracy in Honduras, the National Front against the Coup d´Etat, talked about the visit of the IACHR and about the new mobilizations to reject the dictatorship.

Thousands of people have participated so far in the mobilizations throughout the country to reject the coup, flooding the streets of the main Honduran cities, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.

In addition to the delegation of the IACHR, Alegria also made reference to the presence of another mission in Honduras to document the abuses to human rights perpetrated by the de facto regime. This is a delegation of the International Criminal Court, with the participation of renowned Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, who could press charges at international level against the coup perpetrators.

In turn, the peasant leader pointed out that from next Thursday to Saturday there will be national strikes of civil servants from the education and health sectors, to confirm the massive rejection to the coup.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/duronmartinez

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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