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31 August 2017 | | | | | | |

New campaign against oil extraction in Togo

Friends of the Earth Togo, with the support of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI), has launched the “No to Oil Extraction” campaign, over concerns for the socioenvironmental and economic impacts this activity would have in the country and the negative consequences experienced in other countries of the continent such as Nigeria, Ghana and Chad, among others.

In the video circulated by Friends of the Earth Togo, Kwami D. Kpondzo, Campaign Officer at that organization and also member of FoEI´s Executive Committtee, warns that oil extraction degrades the environment and affects marine populations, which also negatively impacts fisherfolk communities and local economies depending on them.

Kwami recognized that Togo´s government is in favor of oil extraction, but trusts that the resistance by local communities and the lobby work of the organizations will succeed in convincing lawmakers to introduce a bill to ban this activity.

Imagen: Friends of the Earth International

(CC) 2017 Real World Radio


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