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30 de junio de 2016 | Entrevistas | Derechos humanos | Género
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The member of FEMUCARINAP believes that a conservative and right-wing agenda will take precedence in her country after the victory of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) in the latest national elections.
Femucarinap is the Federation of Peasant, Artisanal and Indigenous Women of Peru, member of the Latin American Coordination of Countryside Organizations (CLOC-VC).
In an interview with Real World Radio, Lourdes Huanca valued the result of the elections, not because the candidate is tuned in with the peasant proposal; but what she highlights is the continuity of the free process of democratic election, that would have been questioned in case Keyko Fujimori had won the elections.
“We are working hard from the grassroots level, promoting and strengthening the unity of peasant and popular organizations, with a view on the next elections of 2021 when we´ll try to make our political proposal known and recognized by the Peruvian population", said Lourdes.
In the second round of the elections, that took place on June 5, PPK obtained a little over 50 per cent of the votes, while the daughter of former dictator Albeto Fujimori talked about a "confusing outcome".
“We stand firm in this struggle, united, men and women, facing all politics and what will come with the right wing in office. We know that we can´t subdue. They´ve always said that peasants block roads, that we don´t have the capacities to sit and talk, but today we do have these capacities with the development proposal of our peasant communities and our Peru", said Huanca.
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