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30 de junio de 2016 | Entrevistas | Derechos humanos | Justicia climática y energía
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After five months denouncing the dissapearance of activist Nilce de Souza (Nicinha), the body of the artisanal fisherwoman of Rondonia State, Brazil, and activist of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), was found next to the settlement where she lived together with other families affected by the building of the Jirau dam on the Madeira River.
In an interview with Real World Radio, the leader of the MAB for the region, João Dutra talked about what Nilce represented in the struggle for the people affected by Jirau: "Nicinha was the main leader in the region (...) she filed a number a complaints that resulted in investigations by the Public Prosecution: one of them about the non compliance by the company with the program to support fishing activities, which was a commitment included in the Basic Environmental Plan, and a requireemnt to obtain the environmental license".
The consortium of companies that is building the dam manipulated information stating that there weren´t any fishermen in the area that would be affected by the project, with French transnational company Engie (former GDF Suez) as main partner. Nicinha filed several complaints refuting this, and also filed criminal complaints for fraud against the consortium.
The activist was also the main voice demanding the Jirau consortium to include the Abunã municipality as a region to be affected by the dam. To force a dialogue with the company and the federal government, MAB activists had to block the entrance to the company, stopping its activities. Nicinha was one of the two people who participated in the meeting that was finally granted in Brasilia, on behalf of the people affected. On her way home, and before a commission of the federal government, together with members of the Brazilian Environment Institute (in charge of granting the environmental license) travelled to the region, the activist was murdered.
Imagen: MAB
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