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15 de junio de 2016 | | |

Concern in Australia over government persecution of environmental groups

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Australian environmental organizations have denounced an antidemocratic attack by the national government, which is threatening with removing the “tax status” of these organizations, therefore hindering their possibilities of working in defense of the environment. The groups are warning that the pressure by the government is a result of environmentalists supporting peaceful direct action and civil disobedience.

Tax deductible donations are a significant part of the budgets of environmental groups, which are extremely concerned over their current situation. In early May, the House of Representatives Inquiry into environmental organizations was published. As expected, the proposals that emerged from the investigation could severely limit the environmental groups ability to carry out activities.

According to a press release issued by Friends of the Earth Australia on May 4, “the report acknowledges that environment groups are doing an important and necessary job in protecting our precious environment”. “However, it contains a number of deeply flawed recommendations, which if implemented would profoundly change the environmental protection movement in Australia”, warns the press release.

Real World Radio interviewed activist Cam Walker, representative of Friends of the Earth Australia, member of Friends of the Earth International, to know more about the government´s attacks they are denouncing, the role of the mining sector in this, and what has happened after the publication of the report in May.

* For more information, visit: http://www.foe.org.au/articles/2016-05-04/prime-minister-must-reject-anti-democratic-attack-environmental-groups

Imagen: yes2renewables.org

(CC) 2016 Radio Mundo Real


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