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24 February 2016 | |

Venezuela: continental meeting on counter-hegemonic communications

From February 24-28, ALBA Movimientos organizations are carrying out in Venezuela a Continental Meeting on Communications, a space to share "the analysis of the current situation in terms of the integration processes for a liberating communication", said Alcides García, of the ALBA Movimientos Operational Secretariat, with reference to the strengthening of conservative forces in the continent, particularly in the cases of Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, among others.

As a second objective, Garcia, who is also member of the Martin Luther King Center of Cuba, highlighted the need to question the role by popular, community, counter-hegemonic communication media: "We do a lot, and we do a lot of things right. What happens is that many times these things are isolated; the most important struggle for us is to strengthen the unity of all our struggles". The solidarity with different popular agendas, such as the Peace Process in Colombia and Venezuela itself are among the goals of this meeting.

The event is taking place in the National Training Center Simon Rodriguez, in San Antonio de los Altos. Approximately 90 communicators from 24 countries of the American continent, from Canada to Argentina, have arrived.

For more information about the meeting:
• Website: albamovimientos.org
• Facebook: ALBA Movimientos
• Twitter: @MovimientosALBA
• Youtube Channel: ALBA Movimientos
• Audio: soundcloud.com/alba-movimientos

Imagen: ALBA Movimientos

(CC) 2016 Real World Radio


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