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26 de febrero de 2016 | | |

The struggle against the TPP in Chile

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Social organizations that are part of the group No al TPP Talca (Chilean city, capital of the 7th Maule Region) will take the streets on Thursday to inform the local population about this international agreement. They also plan to hold an important activity on March 25 and to join a global day of mobilizations against the agreement on April 18.

In Chile there is a national call to mobilize against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in every city on the 25th of each month. The citizen platform Chile Mejor sin TPP, that gathers almost 100 organizations at national level, is leading the resistance against the agreement in the country.

In an interview with Real World Radio, activist Constanza Osorio, of environmental organization CODEFF-Friends of the Earth Chile, in Talca and the Socioenvironmental Network on Seeds, member of the No al TPP Talca group, told us about the activities carried out in Maule´s capital city, the plans for the future and their political perspective.

The TPP was signed by the 12 countries that are part of it on Februrary 4, in New Zeleand. In addition to New Zealand, the other 11 countries are: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, the US and Vietnam. The agreement was passed by the Chilean government in September 2015. Nevertheless, it needs to be ratified by Parliament and that is why the No al TPP Talca group is carrying out a strong campaign with MPs to convince them of the negative impacts the agreement will cause in the country.

We now share a video by Pejeperro production company to disseminate the activities held in Talca against the TPP (in Spanish).

For more information:


Imagen: http://chilemejorsintpp.cl/

(CC) 2016 Radio Mundo Real


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