8 de diciembre de 2015 | Videos | COP 21 de Cambio Climático de ONU - París 2015 | Anti-neoliberalismo | Justicia climática y energía
“We know and we have been saying for months if not years that the Paris Agreement will not do anything to stop the climate crisis. That we know that our leaders are not accountable to the people, they are accountable to the polluters. And as a result we are going to come out of here with something that is going to fry the planet”.
These were the words of one of the international coordinators of the Climate Justice and Energy program of Friends of the Earth International, Dipti Bhatnagar, of India.
The activist highlighted several times the extreme need for developed countries to take on the urgent emission reductions that correspond to them to face the climate crisis, since they are not respecting their “fair shares”. “They need to act and they need to act first, they have the legal and the moral obligation to act first because they created this crisis”. Along these lines, she added that industrialized countries also have to transfer finance and technology to the Global South for poor countries to develop outside the polluting patterns of the North.
Nevertheless, Bhatnagar also made reference to the strong presence of Friends of the Earth International in the activities parallel to the COP 21 and the commitment with the mobilizations in Paris for climate justice.
Imagen: Real World Radio
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