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12 de noviembre de 2014 | | | | | |

From Margarita Island to Lima

Social Pre COP on Climate Change at Margarita Island completed: now it’s time for the People’s Summit in Lima

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From November 4 to 7 social movements and organizations from around the world gathered in Margarita Island, Venezuela, in the Social Pre COP on Climate Change, organized by the national government.

On November 6 social representations submitted a document to the Ministers, also present at the event, to prepare official negotiations of the United Nations (UN) on climate change, which will take place in December in Lima, the Peruvian capital.

On November 4 and 5 the organizations and social movements worked under a plenary session led by Claudia Salerno, the chief negotiator in Venezuela for the UN talks on climate change.

The Venezuelan presidency issued a summary of the work at the gathering (see attachment), which was then submitted to the Ministers by about 30 social representatives.

Attached you can find a report by Real World Radio, reporting from Margarita Island, both in the Preparatory Meeting of the Social Pre COP on Climate Change in July as in last week’s event.

Imagen: http://www.precopsocial.org/

(CC) 2014 Radio Mundo Real


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