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5 de noviembre de 2014 | | |

“System Change, Not Climate Change”

Venezuela: Ministerial Social PreCOP towards Lima

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The Ministerial Social PreCOP was launched on Tuesday 4 in Isla Margarita following discussions by social movements and non governmental organizations (NGOs) to establish their position and agree on a document to be discussed on Thursday with Ministers from 40 countries. This sets a historical precedent since it is the first time a part of the international community will sit together with the people to discuss and define strategies for the struggle against climate change.

Under the slogan “System Change, not Climate Change”, the discussion about this document represents the continuity of a debate that resulted in the resolution about climate change that global social movements and NOGs issued at the Preparatory Meeting to the Social PreCOP that was held in Margarita from July 15 to 18.

This time, the agreed document will be presented on Thursday at the Ministerial PreCOP when the spokespeople of the social organisations will debate with the people in charge of fighting climate change from 40 countries. This will take place before the Pre Conference of the Parties on Climate Change to be held in Lima, Peru in 2015 in the run-up to the Paris Conference which will aim to replace the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon emissions at world level.

When the dialogue tables close, the participants will issue a series of conclusions. Venezuelan and Peruvian Foreign Affair Ministers, Rafael Ramirez and Manuel Pulgar Vidal respectively will participate in the Ministerial PreCOP on Friday. Two work sessions focused on the agreement to reach at the PreCOP in Peru are also scheduled to take place.

Until now, international spaces only received official proposals by transnational corporations, mainly responsible for carbon emissions.

The first resolution of the Preparatory Meeting to the Social PreCOP agreed last July by social movements and non governmental organisations states that the only way to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change is to change the global capitalist system based on unsustainable production and consumption patterns that generate inequality, injustice, poverty and planetary destruction.

An action plan was established in order to transition away from the crisis of this model and green capitalism was blamed for trying to deceive the people considering the purchase of bonds by the richest countries as a solution to the climate crisis, something which perpetuates the accumulation of capital and its climate effects.

These conclusions were taken to the United Nations Organization by Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, during the latest Presidential Climate Change Summit held at the headquarters of this organization. The agreements after this Social PreCOP will be submitted as well by Maduro at the Conference of the Parties to take place in Lima, Peru, in December.

(CC) 2014 Radio Mundo Real


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