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7 July 2014 | | | | |

Arbitrary arrests, torture, murders and attacks against entire families in violent eviction commissioned by landowner Miguel Facusse

“They entered the community opening fire and throwing tear gas at us; there were children among us”. This is what leader Santos Rosado said about the violent eviction he and 700 families of the Panama community recently suffered. The action was carried out by members of the Xatruch Operation, the National Police and Security Guards of Dinant Corporation, belonging to businessman Miguel Facusse.

This is not the first time the community located in Trujillo municipality, Colon department has suffered an attack by Facusse. On December 2nd, 2013, members of the community denounced “human hunting” practices against their leaders.

A few months before, on the morning of May 21st, 600 families that were getting ready to begin their day were evicted by officers from the Paso Aguan field in Panama community.
Many families returned in the afternoon, but this time they were received by the private security forces of landowner Miguel Facusse who fired directly at them. Facusse occupied the lands immediately after the eviction.

This time, the violence was worse, according to Rosado. “20 community members were captured inside the community, they were beaten and tortured” for hours, after which they were taken to the Trujillo municipality prison. There was no further information about their status at the time of this interview.

Imagen: www.ellibertador.hn

(CC) 2014 Real World Radio


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