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12 de noviembre de 2013 | | |

Rotten Apple

Interview with Friends of the Earth EWNI Campaigner Julian Kirby about Apple’s Nomination to the Pinocchio Awards

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The Sustainable Development Pinocchio Awards are organized every year by Friends of the Earth (Les Amis de la Terre) - France, in partnership with Peuples Solidaires - Action Aid France and CRID. As its website states, the awards “aim at denouncing some companies on the social or environmental impacts of their activities, in complete contradiction with the sustainable development concept they claim to respect”.

One of this year’s nominees is electronics company Apple for its environmental impacts as a result of tin mining on the island of Bangka, Indonesia. Companies like Samsung, Philips, Nokia, Sony, BlackBerry, Motorola and LG have all recognised their responsibility and have committed to finding solutions to better control their supply chains. But Apple continues to refuse to say whether the tin in its iphones comes from Bangka island.

Friends of the Earth claims that “Almost half of the global supply of tin is used in the electronics industry for soldering, with 30% of the tin produced in the world coming from Indonesia. Tin mining on Bangka island is responsible for the destruction of 65% of the island’s forests and for the loss of more than 70% of its coral reefs, as well as the deaths of sixty mine workers in 2012.”

To know more about Apple’s nomination, the impacts of tin mining in the island of Bangka and the impacts of consumption of electronics on the environment, Real World Radio interviewed Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland campaigner Julian Kirby.

To learn more about the Pinocchio Awards, its nominees and to vote, please visit: http://www.prix-pinocchio.org/en/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=5

Imagen: prix-pinocchio.org

(CC) 2013 Radio Mundo Real


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