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25 de agosto de 2013 | | | | | |

Living Proof

Mexican Community Resists Canadian Mining Inspired by Example of Late Community Leader

00:00 | 00:00

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Mariano Abarca Roblero was a community leader murdered four years ago in a series of violent acts committed against his family, which has become a symbol of the community resistance to Canadian gold extraction corporation Blackfire.

During a memorial day in honor of Mariano held outside the Canadian embassy in Mexico, his son, Jose Luis, said: “We are certain that the mining corporation hired someone to kill my father”.

Real World Radio’s correspondent Monica Montalvo interviewed Jose Luis in Mexico.
He said the community continues resisting mining.

Jose Luis also said that besides the community’s conviction that somebody was hired to kill his father, there are new elements that point at the corporation’s responsibility and the complicity of the Canadian authorities.

Produced by M. Montalvo and Hijos de la Tierra for Real World Radio.

(CC) 2013 Radio Mundo Real


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