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1ro de marzo de 2018 | | |

Real World Radio Europe #15

Earthquakes, sinking houses and climate change: tales from Europe’s largest gas field

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What happens when a town strikes gas? 30 years after Shell and ExxonMobil opened up Europe’s biggest gas field for drilling, the residents of Groningen are finding out – near-constant earthquakes are destroying people’s homes, leaving them too dangerous to live in and too expensive to fix. Meanwhile, while north-west Europe continues to burn fossil gas, the low-lying region sits perilously close to the sea level.

In this episode, we speak to Peter Kodde, a longtime organiser, activist, and self-professed "oil and gas nerd" who’s been working with the local community in Groningen to help organise the resistance to the drilling.

Imagen: FoE Europe

(CC) 2018 Radio Mundo Real


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